Friday, January 3, 2014

Another Fork in the Road……..Do I dare

I haven’t written anything in this blog for a long time not because I didn’t have anything interesting happening in my life or that I didn’t feel I had any positive changes in the past eight to nine months.  I did.  But…..I didn’t feel like I had enough of an exciting change that was blog worthy.  I’ve been consistently doing CrossFit workouts and in fact had started an exercise group at work.  I have been consistently eating 80 to 90% paleo.  I have in fact become a little leaner, a little stronger in the last year. I’ve been able to through exercise and nutrition keep my diabetes from getting worse. That’s the problem; all the changes have now become itty bitty increments and the diabetes is still not 100% cured.  Boring and frustrating. 

Oh I have had pep talks with myself.  My loving and supportive husband has tried to encourage me with compliments.  Even my doctor has relayed to me how proud she was of me for having reversed my diabetes which she says almost never happens with most patients. It has been three years now since I have embarked upon this fitness journey and I am wondering is this as good as it’s going to get? It can’t be.  It can’t be because I still have this image in my head that sometimes I don’t even dare to imagine.  It scares me to imagine the future that I truly desire.  I feel that I shouldn’t have the audacity to hope for the future self that I have imagined.  So I have actually kept my desires a secret.  I fear people will laugh and think I’m a crazy old lady for daring to want something so ridiculous. 

I still have fears but I have come to a fork in the road.  I have to choose between maintaining the status quo, a state that most people would be happy to maintain and taking a different path altogether.  Customized programming; YIKES.  The safety and comfort of my tried and true CrossFit classes has taken me as far as it could.  I still believe that it was the absolute best way for me to have gotten out of my unhealthy, unfit state and bring me to this stage.  But now it’s time to strike out into what is for me unchartered territory.  I will still do some CrossFit classes but the bulk of my training will now be a strength progression program along with sprinting.  Yes, sprinting, my old nemesis. 

So here is what I have dared to want.  I want to be Not Only leaner and stronger but I want to be RIPPED, to be a Bad Ass weight lifter and to be a true sprinter. And I WILL NOT STOP until my diabetes is OBLITERATED! Yes I dare to dream these dreams. It starts now, today. I don’t know how long it will take and it doesn't matter.  The goal may be always expanding so that it is a lifetime endeavor; I certainly hope so.
Current State


Dare to Dream State




  1. Good for you! Your birthday is a pretty great day to post this, too. I would wish you luck but I doubt you'll need it if you've set your mind to it. GO FOR IT.

  2. There's something about putting a goal or a dream into words and sharing it with others that seems to actually put things into motion. I wish the best for you and I know that you can and will get to where you want to be. Never give up!

  3. I echo the sentiments of Nicole and Ericka! Go for it! You have already accomplished so much; gotten leaner, stronger, and healthier. You've started a business! So use that as fuel to take it to the level that YOU want.
