Monday, February 6, 2012

Am I Interesting Enough to Blog?

Double Happiness is a Chinese phrase or symbol that reflects the greatest joy one can have. I chose it for the name of my blog because finally I am living that joy.  The theme of this blog is my personal journey towards fitness.  Yes fitness because that is what has enabled me to experience this level of happiness.  Let me introduce myself and share with you why I have decided to have a blog. I use to believe that only really very interesting people should have blogs.  Otherwise what would you have to talk about that would make other people want to read it?  Now I just think that writing this blog is really for me and I hope that there are others who can relate to my experiences.  I am a middle aged married woman with one grown son.  I work in the information technology arena as middle management; in other words a desk job. My life consisted of going to work, coming home, eating dinner and getting in front of the TV to veg out until it’s time to go to bed. On the weekends my husband and I would go out to big box retailers and shop until we got tired of walking around; which didn’t take very long.  Sometimes, every few days or so and maybe on weekend mornings we would go across the street from our house to do a little walking.  I even tried jogging a little bit.  But at 5’ 2” and weighing 200 lbs., the reality for me was that it was nearly impossible for me to actually run.  Our lives centered on good food and wine.  Even our vacations destinations were centered on what restaurants were there.
This was all great except for one thing; my health. I was slowly but surely dying from my dangerous health situation.  You see, I am a diabetic.  Have been diagnosed for almost 15 years and was progressively getting worse and worse.  My doctor has prescribed higher and higher dosages of medication for the last few years but to no avail.  I literally needed to take my life into my hands and turn it around.  Only problem was; I didn’t know how.  Oh I tried everything.  I bought an elliptical machine and actually used it.  Nothing changed.  I walked, nothing really changed.  I tried to eat right; you know the low fat low calorie diets that everyone says you should do. Nothing changed. Ok, ok; I know this is boring and just sad.  What else is new; I was just like millions of other women in their 50s, fat, tired, out of shape and with no hope of ever getting out of this cycle. 
But then a miracle happened.  Yes I said miracle! I actually acted on some advice from my son.  You have to know me to understand that is a miracle in itself.  He badgered me about something called CrossFit. Cross what; what is it?  Is it a gym? Because I’ve tried gyms before and I’m not doing that again.  “It’s not a gym Mom, it’s a box”.  A box? The more he talked the more I was convinced that it was some kind of crazy cult.  I didn’t want to have anything to do with it.  After I saw some videos of how crazy the workouts were I really didn’t want to have anything to do with it.  But I was desperate so I tip toed visited “the Box”.  I have to leave something for my next post so I’ll just say this.  CrossFit has changed my life; I no longer am hopeless.  I have completely turned around my dangerous health situation and I am continuing to improve every single day.  Now, the process was not so pretty and certainly not easy.  Nothing worthwhile is.  I’ll tell you about the gory details in upcoming postings. Until then I hope that someone who is like me can begin to see a glimmer of hope.


  1. Hello Della,

    Good to see you are expanding your horizons. This should be an interesting blog. I will periodically try to check your site out. One comment, see if you can enlarge the font so that some of us who are visually challenged can read it with greater ease. Thanks...Wilbur

  2. Great first post. I look forward to reading your story. You've done an amazing job Della.
